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& Criminology

Criminalistics and Criminology Bachelor's Degrees in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Criminalistics and Criminology Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 5 Wisconsin schools awarding criminalistics and criminology bachelor's degrees, and Marquette University is the best option.

Check all Wisconsin schools awarding criminalistics, criminology, and forensic science bachelor's degrees and police colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other police major or diploma.

WI criminalistics & criminology bachelor's degree schools:

Marquette University - Police School Ranking
1. Marquette University

Located in Milwaukee

University of Wisconsin Whitewater - Police School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Stout - Police School Ranking
University of Wisconsin River Falls - Police School Ranking
Lakeland University - Police School Ranking
5. Lakeland University

Located in Plymouth

Criminalistics & criminology bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Police School Ranking
University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota

University of Iowa - Police School Ranking
University of Iowa

Located in Iowa City, Iowa

University of Michigan Dearborn - Police School Ranking
University of Michigan Dearborn

Located in Dearborn, Michigan

University of Minnesota Duluth - Police School Ranking
University of Minnesota Duluth

Located in Duluth, Minnesota

Eastern Michigan University - Police School Ranking
Eastern Michigan University

Located in Ypsilanti, Michigan

Northern Michigan University - Police School Ranking
Northern Michigan University

Located in Marquette, Michigan

Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Police School Ranking
Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Located in Carbondale, Illinois

Indiana State University - Police School Ranking
Indiana State University

Located in Terre Haute, Indiana

Butler University - Police School Ranking
Butler University

Located in Indianapolis, Indiana

University of St Thomas - Police School Ranking
University of St Thomas

Located in Saint Paul, Minnesota

DePaul University - Police School Ranking
DePaul University

Located in Chicago, Illinois

WI police schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee - Police School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Located in Milwaukee, 2 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin Platteville - Police School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Platteville

Located in Platteville, 4 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire - Police School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire

Located in Eau Claire, 2 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh - Police School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Located in Oshkosh, 2 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin Parkside - Police School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Parkside

Located in Kenosha, 2 bachelor's programs

Concordia University Wisconsin - Police School Ranking
Concordia University Wisconsin

Located in Mequon, 3 bachelor's programs

Carroll University - Police School Ranking
Carroll University

Located in Waukesha, 2 bachelor's programs

Ottawa University Milwaukee - Police School Ranking
Ottawa University Milwaukee

Located in Brookfield, 1 bachelor's program

Carthage College - Police School Ranking
Carthage College

Located in Kenosha, 2 bachelor's programs

Herzing University Madison - Police School Ranking
Herzing University Madison

Located in Madison, 1 bachelor's program

Marian University Fond Du Lac - Police School Ranking
Marian University Fond Du Lac

Located in Fond Du Lac, 4 bachelor's programs

Other police bachelor's degrees in WI:

Criminal Justice: 19 schools
Security Services: 1 school
Corrections Study: 1 school

Other criminalistics & criminology diplomas in WI:

Certificates: 1 school

Wisconsin police schools by city:

Appleton: 1 school
Brookfield: 2 schools
Cleveland: 1 school
Eau Claire: 2 schools
Fennimore: 1 school
Fond Du Lac: 2 schools
Green Bay: 2 schools
Janesville: 1 school
Kenosha: 4 schools
La Crosse: 2 schools
Madison: 3 schools
Menomonie: 1 school
Mequon: 1 school
Milwaukee: 6 schools
Oshkosh: 1 school
Pewaukee: 1 school
Platteville: 1 school
Plymouth: 1 school
Rhinelander: 1 school
River Falls: 1 school
Shell Lake: 1 school
Watertown: 1 school
Waukesha: 1 school
Wausau: 1 school
Whitewater: 1 school
Wisconsin Rapids: 1 school

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